Music Monday 2010
Monday May 3, 2010
Music Monday is an annual event that brings together thousands of students, musicians, parents and community members across the country to celebrate the gift of music in our lives, on the same day at the same time …
CISMF Music Festival
April 18, 2010 Toronto, Canada
The Conference of Independent Schools host their 26th Annual Music Festival. Students from 35 independent schools were chosen to perform in this all-star concert …
BREEZIN’ THRU Author Wins CMEA 50th Anniversary Song Contest!
Hear “I Am Song, Je Suis Chanson”, and purchase for your school. Proceeds fund student scholarship, now at $2419.
Con Brio 2009 Conference
November 5-8 ’09 in Toronto
The Ontario Music Educators’ Association (OMEA) & Canadian Music Industry Education Committee present this year’s annual conference:
CON BRIO 2009 – Harmonizing Past, Present and Future
This annual conference attracts more than 800 educators from across Ontario as well as the leading …
Sibelius / Finale Hands-On Training
OMEA Tool Boxes
Come learn about Breezin’ Thru Theory at these regional Tool Boxes