Ready … Set … Go!
Welcome to our 1st “Drill-ceptional Report” for the 2018-19 School year … for Breezin’ Thru Theory Mad Dash Drills! The goal is to keep things fun for students, while building mastery, and providing some well deserved recognition.
Woohoo – what a start it’s been!
- There are 17 new schools on the Leaderboard!
- The Central Region has the early lead … with 7 schools ranking among the Top 25 (4445+ Drills).
- Students have submitted over 536,000+ Drills so far, which is 40% more than last year.
- And on Sept. 12 ’18, Colonel Macleod School (AB) music students submitted the 3 Millionth Breezin’ Thru Theory drill ever!
Here’s how Drill-ceptional works: We’ve divided North America into 5 regions … North, South, East, West, and Central. Every few months we’ll identify the TOP 3 schools for each region (subject to your permission). Results are based on the total number of drills submitted to date for the 2018-19 school year, AND the school’s average needs to be 90% or higher on these drills to qualify.
Drum Roll Please …. The “Drill-ceptional” Schools as of Oct. 31, 2018 are:
Here are the 5 Regions
The Top 3 Schools in each region are listed below. Congrats!!!
Report 1: As of October 31, 2018
(for the 2018-19 school year)

Best in the West
- Middleton High School
(Middleton, ID) - Vanguard Academy
(West Valley City, UT) - Ferris High School
(Spokane, WA)
Next Up: Thurman White Academy (NV), Middleton MS (ID)
The Northern Lights
- Colonel Irvine School
(Calgary, AB) - Bishop Allen Academy
(Toronto, ON) - Colonel Macleod School
(Calgary, AB)
Next Up: Queen Charlotte Int. School (PEI), Pickering College (ON)
Feast of the East
- Dempsey MS
(Delaware, OH) - Ravenscroft School
(Raleigh, NC) - West Valley MS
(Knoxville, TN)
Next Up: Lampeter-Strasburg HS (PA), Staten Island Technical HS (NY)
Center Stage
- Adlai E. Stevenson HS
(Lincolnshire, IL) - Jefferson City HS
(Jefferson City, MO) - Indian Trail Jr HS
(Addison, IL)
Next Up: South Valley MS (MO), Fred Rogers Magnet Academy (IL)
Southern Stars
- Plano Sr. High
(Plano, TX) - Plano West SHS
(Plano, TX) - Plano East SHS
(Plano, TX)
Next Up: Vanguard HS (FL), Ashworth MS (GA)

Woohoo &
Congratulations to All !!!
(As of Oct. 31, 2018)
With An Impressive 11,572 Drills
Is Plano Sr. HS (Texas)
Most Drills/Student at 159 per student
Is John S. Battle HS (Virginia)
Super Job!
6700+ Drills
TOP 25
4445+ Drills
TOP 50
2735+ Drills
‘Can hardly wait to see who makes it on the Leaderboard next.
There are schools participating in Hawaii & Alaska now too … so you never know.
Next Report is Dec. 31, 2018
P.S. There are prizes awarded at year end. So have some fun …. Breezin’ Thru !